Hurricane Sandy: Down, but not out.

Hurricane Sandy is gone, but many on the east coast are still feeling her wrath.  Power outages, gas rationing and destroyed properties are the most immediate and dramatic results. Dealing with these adversities has tested many people’s physical, mental and technical limits. Not only have people been dealing with challenges at home, but everyone’s work has been impacted as well.

How was your business affected?  Were you able to keep working through the storm?

Having a backup and disaster recovery plan is essential to keeping your business’ critical operations running, even when the world around you is not.  Every business should have a plan of action in the event that power, internet or building accessibility is lost for an extended period of time.  Our Partner Program customers have just that.


One of Liberty’s customers lost power due to the storm and it was apparent it was not going to be back on for quite a while.  With essential business operations at a standstill, Liberty’s team of expert technicians sprang into action. Liberty Technology Solutions relocated the company’s critical workstations and it’s servers to Liberty’s own conference room.  In just a few short hours, business was up and running.  By redirecting email from the spam filter and forwarding phone numbers to cell phones, this customer was able to get their work done on time, despite a major natural disaster.

With Liberty Technology Solutions on your side, you too can be ready for anything that comes your way.  Ask us about a backup and disaster recovery solution today and put your mind at ease.


By George Davis, Senior Network Engineer


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